Saturday, August 16, 2008


You have known me in
Good and bad times ,
You have seen me
When i was happy and when i was sad,
You have watched me laugh and cry,
Thank you for believing in me,
For supporting me ,
And for always being there ,
Thank you for being

If you ask me for how long
Will i be your friend?
Then my answer will be "i don't know".
B'coz i really don't know
Whiich is longer forever or always.

There's none more perfect than a friend.
A friend whose smile and thoughtful ways,
Add happiness to everyday;
A friend who cheers and comforts me,
And i have found that kind of friend in you!
it's true!!!
Thanks to SJ, Aini, Sil, SW, Rita, Adelene,MayXin,Li min

1 comment:

Lighteyes said...

Aww... thank you very much Wei Min. I've found that perfect friend in you too. =)

P.S. Add one cbox in your blog la so I can leave message. Leave message in my cbox too ah. ^^